Saturday, August 23, 2008

Leadership Lab 2

"Will we lift the child in Bangladesh from poverty?" - was one of the statements of the recent extraordinary vocalizations that is known as 'Berlin Speech' of Barack Obama- the presidential super aspirant of United States of America-USA. Barack Obama presented the issue of our poverty before the world, but the query is what is our leaders think? Do they aware about the problem of our country? Bangladesh faces many problems-social, economical, cultural, political etc. The people of this land proved their bravery to establish language, freedom and democracy- that is politically they are apprehensive. Hartal, strike, barricade, destruction had exploited our many strengths, opportunity and priceless times. We are now living in a flat world-where knowledge ocean flows faster than our imagination. Cold war is gone. In this one centric world economic concept rises. Policy is made on economic point of view and politics evolves around economy. As a result our closest neighbor India is now a strategic ally of USA who previously was in Russian block. Bangladesh to exist in this ever changing world needs to develop visionary leaders who will be aware of today's fact. There are little efforts to develop future leaders in our country. Media can help here. Economic Times instigate to talk with some young people who are potential future leader. Our mission is to check their vision about their field and Bangladesh. 'Student politics in the 21st century' is our first theme matter. We believe students are the future of our country. We need to reshape student politics to involve them in the country building work and to unite them to do the best for the country instead of involving them in terrorism, strike and ill activities. At the outset we talked with Shafiul Bari Babu-the General Secretary of country's one of the leading political parties, Bangladesh Nationalist Party-BNP's student wing- Jatitabadi Chatradal-JCD and published the text on August 10, 2008.
On August 19, 2008 Mahbub Manik and Abul Hasan had a café chat with Mahmud Hasan Ripon- the President of country's most ancient student organization Bangladesh Chhatra League-BCL The chat content goes bellow:
“Regular elections of students unions in universities like DUCSU, CUCSU, RUCSU must to excel student politics and develop future leaderships"- Mahmud Hasan Ripon
Chhatra League's ideology We asked Mahmud Hasan Ripon about Chhatra League's ideology. He answered that Chhatra League's ideology is the ideology of Father of the Nation Banga Bandhu Sheikh Mujib's ideology. Our three mottos are Education, Peace and Progress, he added. He said that Bangladesh Chhatra League was established on January 4, 1948 before Awami League (1949). Chhatra League was established to unite all Bengali students to establish their rights and to plant the seed of independence among Bengalese.Chhatra League is the torch bearer of all historic movements in then East Pakistan and Bangladesh. In Language Movement of 1952, Forming Jukta Front in 1954, Education Movement of 1962, Six Points Movement of 1966, 11-points movement in 1969 and in Independence war of 1971- Chhatra League lead. Chhatra League is the premier stake holder of all historic and golden histories of us, stopped Mahmud.
Safe guarding interests of common students It's true that main stream student politics little bit detracted from its main track, said Mahmud. But Bangladesh Chhatra League-BCL always works for the interest of common student. Many historic political movements were started from class room. Unfortunately all autocratic army rulers were against of student politics, they knew students were the main obstacle for their power. Student community is the safe guard of democracy, independence and sovereignty. We need not to go back very far, remember last years' the August's Student Movement. All students and teachers rose against this Care Taker Government, breaking the emergency rule. We observed peaceful programs like silence procession; bear footed procession, inspirational music singing, cartoon display etc against current government. We did not call strike or Hartal. We did not vandalize assets and establishments, he added. We did not put the classes under lock and key. So student politics is not disturbing common students, rather common students are engaging with movements more and more.
"Regular election of students union in every educational institute like DUCSU, CUCSU is must to solve the common students' problem and thus student politics can be the politics of real students" said Mahmud Hasan Ripon. University authority is responsible for not being organized DUCSU since 1990. It is the responsibility of university authority to unite all to organize the election, he said. DUCSU is the soul and inspiration of student politics. We are doing lifeless politics without DUCSU politics, no inspiration, and no commitment. To solve common students' problems related to residence, dining, library, class room, toilet etc, we have to reactivate DUCSU. DUCSU has specific post like Residence Secretary who could take care the residential problems. Not only DUCSU- all student representative executive committees in each educational institution should run properly. These student bodies can work to solve the problems of students, Thus real students can engage with policy making system and real solution can come. Bangladesh Chhatra League demands DUCSU election early as possible, he said. "I want to tell firmly again that there is no alternative of reactivating of Student Executive Committees in every where" said Mahmud.
As organization
Mahmud Hasan Ripon claimed that Bangladesh Chhatra League is the most organized organization. Central committee is formed every two years and other committees are formed each year. We practice democracy in every level as per we can.
Election or Selection
"For the first time in the history, the present committee of Bangladesh Chhatra League-BCL was formed through election where 2100 councilors voted" said Mahmud. Hasan Mahmud Ripon enjoyed a landslide victory in that election as a President. This credit goes to party President Sheikh Hasina, said Mahmud. She ordered to confirm some issues in election like candidates should be regular student; their age should be under thirty and at last but not the least forming the committee through vote by using transparent ballot box. "I am around twelve year's junior than the President of Chhatra Dal" smilingly said Mahmud. Our committee members are regular student. This is a milestone for students' politics. All should follow this, he argued. Real student should do politics, he demanded.
On Ershad
"The mass revolution against Ershad in 1990 was a necessary and as a consequence of that democracy was established in Bangladesh" said Mahmud. Recently Ershad who was an evil autocratic ruler in the history of Bangladesh and threw from power through mass revolution in 1990 ending a nine year rule- expressed his dream to be a President again. We asked him on this point. Smilingly he avoided the issue. But he said that Ershad is not a national leader, he is a regional leader and his position weakens day by day.
About corruption
In these 19 months one thing is proved that this government t worked against corruption rather they are working against politicians, boldly said Mahmud. All autocrats from Aiyub Khan to Ershad are same. Their first voice was anticorruption and at last they were proved the most corrupted person, he added.
Terrorism, unrest and strike on campuses
Mahmud Hasan Ripon told that his party is always against of terrorism on campuses. The best time for student politics was during Hasina regime (96-01). That time university of Dhaka did not close for a single day, he added. We don't support strike, Hartal, vandalism on campuses. We always support peaceful program on campuses, he said. Today's young student leader will be the future leader of Bangladesh. A good leader cannot grow up in chaotic political situation. A proper democratic environment can ensure a competitive student politics, said Mahmud.
Using technology as a tool
He said that Chhatra League established a Computer Lab in Dhaka University. But recently is not working. We asked him about the database of his party activist, website, online group, publication etc. He said that we have lack in this regard. There is a gap between the techi people and us. Right now there is no peaceful environment. We don't have fixed residence as we have to hide to avoid police harassment, how can we work in these fields, questioned Mahmud. But we have to adopt technology to connect our people, he said. A certain group of people don't think about country, independence and democracy, we have to reach those people said Mahmud.
Present Bangladesh
Bangladesh is passing an uncertain time. National election was supposed to be held two years back but did not held yet. Emergency has been going on since January 11, 2007. War criminals were not punished. Government has no vision and has no concentration on national election rather they are busy with local election. Really this a hard time for democracy. All student organizations have to work unitedly to reinstate democracy without further delay, said Mahmud.
Future Chhatra League
"After arresting party President Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh Chhatra League brought out processions on campuses breaking emergency rule" said Mahmud. We struggled against price hike, arresting teachers and students. We want to continue to sacrifice for saving independence, democracy and sovereignty of our country.
Future Chhatra League
will be reshaped with the demand of globalized world and information age, he confirmed. Future BangladeshBangladesh Chhatra League- BCL dreams the dream of Father of the Nation Banga Bandhu Sheikh Mujib's that is to build a progressive, happy and developed golden Bangladesh. We are ready to face the challenges of the 21st century. We have to build a technology based Bangladesh. The past golden tradition of student politics is coming back soon

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