Saturday, September 13, 2008

Microblogging:The New Online Lifestyle

The word ‘Blog’ is well known to the netizens. One can defines ‘Blog’ as a digital diary where one can post any thing like text, data, voice, image etc one after one and readers can put their comments. The people who post are called Blogger. A blog can be controlled by single users or multiple users. Bloogging is a very popular activity of today. Many information, news and secrets are coming out through blog.
But today we are going to talk on Microblogging. Although the concept of Microblogging is at least two years old, it is still very new to all. Microblogging turns into a very interesting matter in our life.Everyday we want to know the latest condition of our family members and friends. We want to share very small happenings in our life, it may be sweet one or a bitter. It may be an experience. We may want to market an idea or want to share the link of our personal web. To satisfy this thirst of human being, the concept of Microblogging came.Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows users to write brief text updates,Usually 140 characters and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text messaging, instant messaging, email, MP3 or the web.Around 100 Microblogging service enabled sites are available in the Internet.
Common Microblogging
The users of popular social networking website facebook, Myspace, LinkedInupdate their statuses regularly. This is nothing but Microblogging. The most popular Microblogging service is Twitter, which was launched in July 2006 and won the Web Award in the blog category at the 2007 South by Southwest Conference in Austin, Texas. The main competitor to Twitter has been Jaiku (although this has since been acquired by Google and closed public registrations).Digg founder Kevin Rose, together with three other developers recently launched a service called Pownce, which integrates micro-blogging with file-sharing and event invitations.Micro blogging services which seek to add to the minimalism of raw micro blogging include Spoink and Plurk. Spoink released a multimedia micro-blogging service that integrates blogging, podcasting, telephony and SMS texting and supports all major mobile audio, video and picture formats. Plurk utilizes a rich interface and horizontal time-line to add a spatial dimension to micro blogging.Rakawa projects micro-blogging to another level, which is to document and inform about daily accomplishments of the users, based on the question "What have you achieved today?" and inspired by the work of the conceptual artist On Kawara.Microblogging is interesting and definitely a tool to spread the status of one.


Anonymous said...

ive done something here to have you a few cents!

Anonymous said...

very nice! hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

Anonymous said...

very cool.

Anonymous said...

im your favorite reader here!

Anonymous said...

very nice! hahahahaha