Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Colonel Gulzar Uddin Ahmed: An army officer with a difference

At least 57 army officers were killed in BDR (Bangladesh Rifles- Border security Force) Mutiny on February 25 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Colonel Gulzar Uddin Ahmed was among others of the victims. Probably, this man is the well known to all than others. He was known as an efficient army officer and the founder chief of the intelligence wing of the elite anticrime force,RAB.
Under his dynamic leadership and talented planning, RAB could capture JMB terrorist kingpins. Later all terrorists were sentenced to death. From the beginning RAB emerged as an efficient force and sucessfully transformed Dhaka as a zero crime city. Colonel Gulzar Uddin Ahmed played an important role. The whole nation mourns for him. May Allah bless him. Salute to this great soldier.

1 comment:

Tanzirul Azim said...

yup, i was gr8ly shocked hearing news of his death.